
Amendment from scrutiny (highlighted)

Officer recommendation

Great Places for All



Our city centre

Ensure that York City Centre is a ‘great place for all’ which fully maximises its economic, social, and cultural potential as the key urban centre in York and North Yorkshire


The project will build upon the 'Our City Centre’ vision agreed by Executive in October 2024 that sets out a clear set of collaborative ambitions for the future of York City Centre, informed by significant local engagement.  


Funding is now required to collaboratively prepare an ‘Our City Centre Delivery Strategy’ alongside a specific piece of work to co-produce an our city centre spatial framework. The masterplan will provide the spatial context to the city vision, setting out how different city centre spaces can best be used and developed in the future in order to maximise its effectiveness as an economic, social, and cultural space for all. This work will identify a project pipeline of ‘great places’ capital investment schemes to deliver that spatial masterplan with an early win delivered within the first 12 months.


Additional quick win schemes are likely to be scoping at Castle Gateway, followed by other projects such as Parliament Street.


Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval

Smaller centre plans

Funding to develop smaller centre master plans and deliver schemes, working closely with community neighbourhood plans (at Tang Hall, Fishergate, the Groves, York's villages etc.)

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval

Healthy places infrastructure

Funding to develop a business case for a healthy places infrastructure plan that would support region wide developments and increases in population based on the JSNA and Local Plan(s), including integrated localised primary care health centres (particularly in York's villages), GP practices, dental facilities, community health facilities, and an age-friendly infrastructure – with capital funding via S106 and/or commercial / health partners.

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval to also include Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) contributions

Air quality

Funding to operate cross-boundary air quality initiatives (determined through feasibility work) at a regional scale, aligning air quality action plans across the whole region, and with interdependencies with neighbouring authorities, to improve air quality to WHO standards (achieving more through the economies of scale).

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Decarbonising and adapting new and existing infrastructure (e)

Funding to retrofit heritage and cultural buildings

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Decarbonising and adapting new and existing infrastructure (f)

Funding to retrofit council housing stock

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval, noting this would be in addition to funding already available.





Housing strategy Y/NY

Funding for capacity to develop a housing strategy (refresh) for York and North Yorkshire that identifies opportunities and considers different “housing” needs for all residents, including gypsy/traveller community, children in care and families/individuals with additional needs, older people's accommodation and support for care leavers (as part of local authority corporate parenting).

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval, joining up with North Yorkshire to review approach to supporting care leavers

Affordable Homes Growth

Funding for capacity to develop a continuous pipeline of affordable housing schemes (aligned to the Local Plan including on brownfield sites, newbuild and Housing First, e.g., the York Central site, and garden villages) for future capital investment, that reflects local need, regional strategic economic clusters and connectivity plans and work collaboratively to ensure the supply of sites for development is accelerated.

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval

Well-connected economy



Transport connectivity

Develop the movement and place plan which is key to identifying future transport schemes for mayoral consideration and describes how we will deliver the schemes identified throughout the pipeline.


(Initial individual schemes to be determined in addition to those listed throughout)

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval


Undertake a review of ‘shovel ready schemes’ that the Mayor and Combined Authority can support through funding provision

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Ensure key transport infrastructure is maintained

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Sustainable transport

Funding for infrastructure of sustainable and active travel routes at strategic Local plan sites including ST15, ST14, ST7 – to cover costs if developers are not prepared to fund to CYC standards

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval noting to keep the proposal broad enough to include any development – without mitigating developer’s own responsibilities funded through Section 106 / CIL


Funding to develop a comprehensive network improvement strategy (deliver movement and place plan) including on-road cycle priority schemes (rebuilding junctions, underpasses etc), improve footways, lengthen footways, narrow junctions, etc. seeking to align work at a regional level to connect York, towns, villages and other areas across the region

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval


Funding to develop cycling and active travel connectivity between York and North Yorkshire with enhanced provision of cycle storage

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval

Public transport enhancements

Explore bus franchising as a mechanism for connecting people in remote or currently underserved areas through public transport provision to enable economic, social and cultural opportunity working as a regional level

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval noting bus franchising is already a mayoral opportunity for further discussion


Funding to develop a business case for MCA revenue supported bus improvements for example accessibility of network including to York College and villages around York, reduced-price fares, franchising, integrated ticketing etc.


In additional to support for other community transport offers including provision of e-scooters, dial and rides services, and an EV shuttle bus around the city centre whilst working to improve access routes to public transport.

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval to include a reference to rail improvements and noting MIMA independent access consultants have recently consulted the disabled community in York and there was no support expressed for the shuttle bus, any further provision for disabled residents must include consultation.



Explore options to establish York as a hub for regional transport with greater connectivity of transport

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval


Funding for increased infrastructure, car parks, Askham Bar park and ride (and hyper hub match funding) and exploring solutions for terraced housing streets (also activating net zero bids)

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval


Support work that feeds into the wider Transport for the North strategy ensuring York's connectivity forms part of the network priorities for the wider region

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval

Strategic road capital upgrades

Whilst ensuring developer contributions, work to deliver:


Full dualling of York outer ring road including

·       A1237 dualling stage 1 (A19 to Hopgrove) overspend (inflationary variation)

·       A1237 dualling phase 2 (A59-19) capital

·       A64 upgrading at A19/A64 Fulford junction including enhanced public transport prioritisation

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval noting this does not mitigate developers own CIL or S1O6 contributions

Homes to school transport

Funding for the provision of SEND transport

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval

Park and Ride

Late night opening for Park and Ride services

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval noting discussions are already underway at a local level to review park and ride opening times

Disabled parking at cultural assets

Support provision of disabled parking at cultural venues and trip attractors

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval

Digital connectivity

Funding for a NY Digital Connectivity offer (similar to WYCA) connecting businesses and communities to digital opportunity across York and North Yorkshire – developing strategy to attract private sector and Whitehall funding and support early intervention and prevention across care sector and housing, preparing high streets for the changing landscape.


Support for fibre roll out across city centre to address coverage gaps and implement data hot spots for high density, high deprivation areas to support those on low incomes who may otherwise run out of data (i.e., for work)

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval noting digital roll out is a mayoral responsibility

International relationships

Build international relationships, drawing on York’s relationship with ambassadors, twinning arrangements (including utilisation of the student networks with York's twin cities) and others to further the region’s global impact utilising our assets including the Lord Mayor

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval noting it is for the mayor to develop relationships with the Lord Mayor.  CYC is no longer able to fund international visits on behalf of the Lord Mayor.

Tourism and Cultural Offer

Develop a Yorkshire (and neighbours) tourism and cultural offer that attracts tourists to move between the areas, to complement and promote destinations as attractors

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval

Cultural funding

Funding to achieve the aspirations of York's cultural strategy, including capital investment in York Castle Museum, and to promote York as a national and international destination for sporting events, ensuring support for music, digital creativity (UNESCO City of Media Arts) and creative skills.


Work with organisations such as the Music Venues Trust to provide match funding (capital) for a 500-capacity venue in the city.

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval, noting North Yorkshire Council has been tasked with developing a shared overarching Cultural Strategy across the region that will sit above York’s strategy which concludes in 2025  

Productive and Innovative Economy



Green construction skills initiative

With significant economic growth (homes and jobs) planned across York and North Yorkshire, there is an increased need for local construction skills to deliver the strategic sites on the ground.  The region’s focus upon achieving net zero also creates a new local demand for retrofit skills. Short term revenue capacity funding will allow an initial pilot phase to combine an initial focus on developing training and work experience opportunities, including adult skills development and information provision to groups such as care leavers and council tenants to ensure opportunities are known by all. It will help test and develop a business case for a longer-term York & North Yorkshire approach of working with developers and education providers to increase provision of training and to link such opportunities to the pipeline of developments across the city and wider sub region. 


Develop a green construction skills village to build essential skills that would decarbonise new developments, setting higher standards for strategic sites (throughout the MCA strategic plan, as above) – working closely with partners, to build retrofitting skills for York and North Yorkshire housing stock, across all tenures, offering opportunities as a corporate parent.



Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval, joining up the approach with North Yorkshire Council about how to best support care leavers

Cultural passports for young people

Funding to produce a cultural passport for the region’s young people (secondary school age) to engage in free cultural opportunities across the region, building support from the sector, including funding for daytrips for schools in areas of need and ensuring access for hard-to-reach groups including York's gypsy and traveller communities, migrants, and home schoolers.

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Early Years Training

Supporting standardised early years training as a mechanism of overcoming the shortage of early years staff, working with education providers to overcome barriers including restrictions on funding (including to those not in work) and increase provision of spaces

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VCSE and Social Care sector support

Work with providers to support routes into employment and improve employee retention and skills provision in these sectors

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval

Equalities and accessibility training for staff

Funding for accessibility training for staff at Combined Authority and local authority levels

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Guaranteed interviews for care leavers

Support access to opportunities for care leavers through a mechanism similar to the Armed Forces Covenant

Add to the final pipeline for Leader approval joining up the offer to care leavers across the region